Why I'm looking forward to 2013

Saturday 5 January 2013


Happy new year guys! If you haven't guessed by the title, I'm super excited for 2013! I'm hoping to graduate, get my first teaching job, get myself a car, move somewhere new, smile more and see more places! One of my resolutions is definitely to buy less and save more and I've decided to do a 50 day spending ban to help me on my way! If that goes well, ill take it to 100 days! I've decided that this year I want to start documenting every single day of my life for the next five years in a one line a day journal. It will be such a lovely thing to look back on and show my achievements, especially as this year should have many!

I would love to know what you are excited about!


  1. This year I am looking forward to getting married! It means that this year is going to fly by quicker than usual! 7 months to go!

    Leanne @ Leanne-Marie | Beauty, fashion & lifestyle. xx

    1. that is so exciting leanne :) what a year it will be for you! enjoy your big day sweetie!

  2. I'm really excited to finally apply to uni :) x

    1. ahh how exciting! i love uni, best decision i ever made going to uni, it will all be over soon! good luck with your applications!

  3. I hope 2013 is everything you want it to be :) xo

  4. That one line a day journal is such a lovely idea - I always want to keep a journal but never get round to it, but I guess I could manage one line a day. Hope 2013 lives up to your expectations and more :) xx


  5. Good luck on the spending ban, and happy new year :) x

    Le Petit Faon Custom Blog designs: http://petitfaon.blogspot.it/p/custom-designs.html

  6. Good luck with the spending ban, and everything else :)
    The journal sounds like such a cool idea :)


  7. I agree on the spending ban and I think it is lovely to write a line a day in a journal. If I had a pretty diary I would do that too!

    Jackie @ http://fashionxfairytale.blogspot.com

  8. Good luck :) and happy new year



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