Manuka doctor apinourish repairing skin cream

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

*do not use if you are allergic to bee stings*

Manuka doctor's apinourish repairing skin cream is a new concept to my skin care routine. What is so different about this is that it contains bee venom. At first I was a little put off by this as I am a vegetarian and wasn't sure how this was done without harming the bees. My mind was put at ease when I looked through their website and saw that they are bee friendly and read about how this process is done humanly.

Bee venom has many benefits for the skin including fast renewal of skin cells, reducing scaring and ageing as well as eliminating and preventing acne. Apinourish, the one I have, focuses on repairing and moisturising the skin, whereas apiclear is created for calming problem skin. They also do other products for health and well-being. 

The main reason I purchased this product was to reduce the scaring on my face from previous years of suffering with problem skin. After using this for over a month I can definitely say there has been a huge improvement in my scaring. Some scars have disappeared completely and others have reduced in size and redness. I have quite oily skin and I was a little worried that this may be a little to heavy for my skin, but it's perfect and really moisturising. The product can be described as a thick gel, which takes a minute or two to sink into the skin. The smell isn't all that appealing, it's not a bad smell, it just smells really medical, however, the benefits of this product seriously outweigh this. 

This is a pricey product at £25, but it's an investment worth making if you have scaring and skin that is in need of renewal. I will continue to use this and repurchase it until my skin no longer needs it as this has really given me confidence and better looking skin. However, it needs to be remembered that everyone's skin is different and what works for me may not work for you. 

Have you tried this? Does it interest you?


  1. This looks like a very interesting product worth trying. Although I'm allergic to quite a selection of insect bites/stings I hope this doesn't mean I'm allergic to bee stings too. :p

    1. oh no that's such a shame, i probably wouldn't advise you use it, you could always try a patch test, but would be a shame spending all that money on it to suffer a reaction and not be able to use the product xx

  2. I really want to try something from Manuka doctor! This sounds fab xx

    1. go for it :) you may find a little gem, you never know :)

  3. I have this and have had the same amazing results as you. I'm literally blown away by it! x

    1. yay :) me too, i wouldn't think bee vemon would be so amazing!

  4. Wow that looks really interesting. I've been looking for something that just repairs the skin rather than cleansing or moisturizing. I'm intrigued!

    1. helps more with the long term effects and look of your skin :) it's a gooden!

  5. I've got scaring from acne and have been suffering with it for over 5 years now so I'll try anything that promises to work! I've never come across a product with bee venom though - perhaps this is the trick?! ~ox

    1. i really do hope this works for you! it must be! :)

  6. I've been wanting to try range this since I read Millie from MIC uses it. Glad it worked for you. Now following your blog :) x

    1. i heard that too, it's a fantastic cream, want to try more! thanks, just looked at yours and I love it, so interesting, following you :)

  7. Oh wow, this looks great! I must give it a try! Hopefully it's available online for Australia!

    Stop by and check out my blog giveaway! :)

  8. I ahven't tried this yet, but I definitely want to after reading your review xx

  9. I have heard that bee venom has many benefits for skincare. I too suffer from acne and acne scarring for which I had a skin peel treatment from This tremendously improved the acne and scars but I think I should use this for the remaining.


thank you for your lovely comments, check back as i try to reply x

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