Body shop satsuma

Saturday 7 April 2012

The body shop satsuma body polish
The body shop satsuma puree body lotion mini

I received both of these for my birthday and the second I opened them I just knew that this would become one of my favourite body shop scents. As with all body shop products they just smell amazing, the satsuma smell is just beautiful, really fresh and summery. It's a bit hard to get across how amazing these both smell by writing about them, but you just have to smell these when your next in the body shop! The body polish is an exfoliator which leaves my skin feeling really soft, looking radiant and smelling amazing. The body puree leaves my skin feeling really moisturised, leaving such a long lasting scent on my skin, as does the body polish. I love both of these products and will be re-purchasing both of these, including the full sized body puree when they run out.


  1. I love Body Shop! That looks lovely, must try it!x Marina

  2. I love body shop but it's got more expensive in recent years. I love pink grapefruit. It smells beautiful and lasts for hours.

    1. it has hasn't it :( not good! never smelt that one, will have a smell next time i'm in, which i'm sure won't be too long :p

  3. I absolutely love Body Shop! If you haven't already, I suggest you try some of their body butters. I recently did a post on one of their gift sets, and in case you want to check it out, I'll leave the link below.

    Thanks for the post!

    1. i love their body butters, cocoa is my fave :) will do thanks! x

  4. ooh haven't tried any of the Satsuma products yet, i normally go for Mango (it smells divine)! <3


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