Snow is Falling all Around Us

Friday 16 December 2011

So today little Ormskirk saw it's first lot of snow. It started when I was in uni and no one could concentrate as we all got a little giddy over the fact that it was snowing and all started to all worry about being stuck up here over christmas and not being able to get home because of the weather (me in particular). Once back at my flat I took this quick snap of the view from my window and I think the park looks rather lovely covered in snow. I popped on my wellies and walked down to uni with my boyfriend as he had to hand in an assignment, but reality then hit as the snow didn't stick instead it turned into that delightful slushy, muddy, watery mess which we all love and gets you completed soaked and becomes a humongous slipping hazard. So within the space of twenty minutes the beautiful snow became rather annoying. Hopefully it snows over night and sticks and stays nice and 'snow like' but doesn't prevent me from going back to Manchester for christmas. 


  1. OMG! So beautiful! I live in a place where it rarely snows so I love reading others enjoying the snow!


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