
Friday 12 April 2013

I went through my teens with pretty decent skin. But since hit my twenty's my skin has just been awful! And there was me thinking I got away with it! I always have quite a few blemishes, I get rid of them and then a whole new bunch arrive! The thing now is that my skin is extremely sore! It's quite upsetting to be sat there in pain because of your skin. So I've tried so many different skin care routines and spot treatments, but nothing, apart from the origins super spot remover, has worked.

Skinetica is quite popular among bloggers! It contains no harsh chemicals, is non-greasy and really light weight. I have been using this every day on a cotton pad after cleansing for around two months. I apply it pretty much as my toner. It doesn't sting, burn or dry out my skin at all! I notice a slight difference in my skin when I use this, but it is nothing major unfortunately. By morning, my spots are a little smaller. This product hasn't really been preventing break outs unfortunately, but that may be down to other products I've been using though.

Although this product hasn't really worked for me, there are some amazing reviews of it from other bloggers! I am still going to keep using this though just to see if my skin decides to stop being stubborn!

Have you tried this product?


  1. Never tried it but I've heard great things about it! Hope you get luky with this product x

  2. I've never tried anything from this range!
    Sorry it hasn't really worked for you!


  3. I've been trying the sample size but not sure I'm seeing a major difference yet

  4. I haven't tried this brand before, sorry to hear though that it hasnt worked for you xo

    Shabby Chic and Tea♥

  5. This sounds fantastic, it sounds like you've had real problems with your skin, luckily mines not too bad but you never know what might happen so it's always good to have these kind of products anyway! x
    Amy |

  6. I'm trying this and it's drying out my spots but not removing them. I'm just left with dried bits of skin where they were.

  7. Hey beaut - I've never heard of this product before, however, I have heard of other anti blemish sprays out there, I've just never gone into depth with them! Have a little look around the drug store skin sections, I'm sure you'll find something else that might work for you! It's always disappointing when a product isn't doing what it's saying on the tin, but it's cosmetic crazy out here, I'm sure there's something sitting on the shelf waiting for you to pick it up!

    Lots of love ❤

  8. I'm the same as you! I was fine with spots through my teens but since hitting 20 I've suddenly broken out permenantly across my forehead! I've read quite mixed reviews on this product but I think its cos we all have different skin types! Skinetica is promising with its lack of chemicals etc :)

  9. thanks for sharing ill look out for it x

  10. never heard of this before but im going to give it a go! :)

  11. I received this in a beauty box a while ago and I have never used it - I rarely get spots, it doesn't sound amazing though :)

  12. I loved your blog! <3
    I'm following. c:
    kisses Ludmilla

  13. I am having the worst time with my skin at the moment and at 22, that wasn't something I was expecting! It's a shame this down work for you but let me know if you have a breakthrough! :)
    Natalie xoxo

  14. I really liked this product, but then I noticed that I had really horrible dry patches around my mouth and since stopping using this so much they have disappeared, so I'm no longer using it! Shame it didn't work too well for you either, I hope that we find an alternative.
    I love your blog, it's brilliant :) new follower :)
    Poppy | far away

  15. Lovely honest review hun! Love your blog!

    I am running an International Giveaway on my blog now, and I'd love it if you enter for the chance to win some YSL, Chanel and Essie products! <3


  16. Hi Kelly, I just came across your blog and wanted to say I really loved your articles ( and your way of writing ) :)
    following you <3

  17. Really want to give this a try! :)

    Kelly xo


thank you for your lovely comments, check back as i try to reply x

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