Lee stafford poker straight flat iron protection shine mist

Tuesday 24 July 2012

When doing a heat protection product review what more is there to say other than it protects your hair from heat? Well actually with this one I feel there is a lot to say about it. Now I've tried a lot of heat protectants and they have always left my hair feeling greasy and heavy, which often resulted in me not using them and saying hello to damaged hair.

With this one I can use it everyday on wet and dry hair as it doesn't feel like it's in my hair at all and doesn't leave that 'wet' greasy look. It contains green tea which protects the hair and prevents it from going static! It also protects the hair from UV and environmental damage! I've had this bottle for absolutely ages and use it daily and I've not even used a quarter of it yet, so it's really worth the money!

As for 'poker straight' claims I wouldn't say it makes a difference to how straight my hair becomes, however this may be because I have curly hair which refuses to stay straight for more than five minutes! Even though I use a heat protection spray I still get damaged hair from the high heat, but using this is definitely better than nothing so it's helping prevent damage to the hair, even if it's only a tiny amount! I will continue to buy this!


  1. I've got this product but think it smells really strong, like most of the lee Stafford products :( just me off using them. my favourite is Aussie leave in conditioning spray :) x

    1. i agree, the smell is very strong. it's bearable though, i've never tried that before, will keep in mind jessica :)

  2. I have looked at this and contemplated buying it for so long... good to hear a review, I think I will try it. I also have the greasy feeling with most heat protectors so this sounds perfect

    x Eve

    1. i really recommend :) it's really light on the hair!

  3. I've been using this product for years and I love it :) it is definitely the best heat protection spray I've ever tried, my hair tends to get weighed down by product but not with this one! It's fab, and it does last forever. I also love the smell on my hair :) x

    1. me too :) it's really light isn't it, almost invisable! the smell is okay, little strong for my liking, but i can deal with it!

  4. Love his products I have the toner shampoo for blondes and it's amazing smells so good too
    Beauty Fiends Blog

    1. this is the only thing i've tried, want to try more :)

  5. I've used this and it's so good. Love the smell too.

  6. I also never could find anything that would protect my hair from heat without making them heavy and greasy. This one sounds really good, currently I'm using the John Freida Hair Protection Spray. Works for me and smells really lovely. x


thank you for your lovely comments, check back as i try to reply x

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