When you think something is empty

Tuesday 20 March 2012

I've been squeezing the life out of this little tube of Liz Earle cleanse and polish until no more product was left and was just about to throw it into the bin and then I thought to myself lets see how much is actually left inside. So I cut the top of the tube off and was actually shocked at how much product was left inside a tube which I thought was completely empty. I was expecting a tiny amount around the edge but not this much.

There is literally loads of product left and I was about to throw it into the bin. I was truly shocked as to why all this product inside was not coming out no matter how hard I tried. So there we have it a little tip to make the most out of your products. The top of the tube now becomes the new lid and what you thought was empty probably is not.


  1. I hate when my favorite products run out. And the feeling of squeezing it to the last drop. That is when I know it's a good product.

    ♥ http://fashionxfairytale.blogspot.com/

  2. wow! That is crazy! I actually saw someone on tv do this with toothpaste, they said it ca last you potentialy another whole week!
    I never thought to do it with beauty products. :O Good idea though because beauty products are so much more expensive!


    1. definitely, be getting a lot more use from this before I throw it out! x

  3. Great idea, there is so much product left in there, shocking! xxx


    1. It is shocking isn't it, I was about to throw it away as i thought it was empty! x

  4. I do this all the time, especially with my mac foundations .x

  5. This is definitely true and I never really thought about it either until my facial exfoliater came in a clear tube and I could clearly see there was tons more despite not being able to squeeze anymore out.

  6. Good advice! I do this too! :)) It really is shocking how much is left!
    xo Smitty

  7. I do this with everything! Can't believe how many people throw things away without realising there's still some left in there.

  8. So much product is lef inside, I never actually check, will start from now on. x


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